Hey, Where is Nightshade?

Now, don’t get your pants all twisted up. It has been a couple of months since the latest Nightshade story was released, or any short story for that matter. I don’t know about you, but I miss the snarky Claire, so I think it is time for her to make an appearance again.

I have booked some time in my schedule to get a solid story outline for another Nightshade episode, and hopefully we can have a couple of short stories going, as well. On top of that, I want to go back and polish the already existing Nightshade tales. We will be heading into a new phase of Nightshade, one that focuses more on a larger story arc than just getting contracts and hunting monsters (though don’t worry, we will have plenty of that, too!).

I have been focusing the vast majority of my time either working on the rewrite of Archangel, which has been a lot of planning work but is now transitioning into the actual meat of the rewrite: the writing! However, I know from experience that I struggle with writing the same story for six or eight hours a day, so being able to break it up with some blog and story writing would make it not only more enjoyable, but more productive as well.

So what is next for Nightshade?

At least for the next story, I want to move away from the big fight scenes and focus more on worldbuilding. There is a lot going on in Claire’s world, and we have only scratched the surface. Does that mean no fighting at all in the next story? Perhaps. It opens up a world of possibilities but also helps me develop as a writer. There are countless beasts and mysterious entities that roam the Underworld, but not all of them are hostile. It is important, in an episodic series (like what I want Nightshade to be) to have a growing world and an alluring story, not just one-offs that have some fun fight scenes in them.

Will there ever be a Nightshade novel? Perhaps. Right now I am too focused on the Shadow’s Advent series, though I would never discount a feature-length book about this growing character. That being said, any potential Nightshade novel is, literally, years away. For now, just sit back and enjoy the show.

Thank you all for the continued support in this adventure, whether it be with the Nightshade series, with Archangel, with this blog or anything else I am doing. Without that, it would be a lot more difficult to get these fingers typing. Hopefully you will be seeing not only myself, but Nightshade again quite soon!