The Indie Author's Resource List

An important realization that every indie author needs to come to is that you don’t walk this path alone. Gone are the days of the lone writer; indie authors must rely on one another to be successful in their career. With that in mind, here are five online resources for indie authors to bookmark for later.

1. Grammar Girl

Odds are you have already heard of this website, started by the talented Mignon Fogarty. It is one of the blogs that falls under the Quick and Dirty Tips umbrella, and is completely invaluable. I don’t think I have come up with a grammar problem that hasn’t been covered by a Grammar Girl blog.

Even better for some, every blog is available in podcast format. If you can’t find an answer for your grammar question, check out Grammar Girl.

2. HelpingWritersBecomeAuthors

One of the first writers I followed on Twitter was K.M. Weiland. I happened on her Twitter by chance as I was keeping my eyes open for anyone that hit my keyword searches. I am very happy that I did. Weiland’s blog is all about the ins and outs of writing.

Her work ranges from plot outlines to character arc, and everything in between. She even has bestselling books available for a more in-depth look. Subscribe to so you don’t miss out on these informative articles.

3. Copyblogger

I’ve said it before and I will say it again: one of the best ways for an indie author to establish themselves is to start a blog. It might sound easy in theory, but you will quickly find that it is not.

Copyblogger is all about how to blog properly, and how to blog well. A large number of articles I share on social media are from Copyblogger because they only produce quality material that will help in your indie author journey.

4. Bibliocrunch

I’m sad that I was not made aware of Bibliocrunch earlier. Bibliocrunch is a resource of resources. They excel at providing writers with lists of publishers and agents for those looking for these services.

As an indie author, this might be your goal one day or you might turn your nose at such an idea. If you are in the latter category, Bibliocrunch also provides other resources and informative blogs, with topics ranging from writing tips to industry reports.

5. Joanna Penn

I think that every indie author should give thanks to Joanna Penn. Penn was an indie author before indie authors were actually a thing; she was a successful self-published author before the advent of eBooks. S

he is a champion for indie authors worldwide and a wealth of information on the subject. If you follow Joanna you will learn a lot, but also grow as an indie author. Definitely check out Joanna Penn.

There are five resources for you to enhance your indie author journey. Take a look at each and every one of them, do some exploring, and learn a thing or two. And let’s make this list even longer! We will continue growing our indie author resource list, but I need your help to do that. Leave a comment below or share a website with me on Twitter if you want to see it added to the list.

Happy writing, indie authors.